Personal Power + Confident Communication
Presentation Skills
Learn techniques to manage your state, structure arresting content and take up space, immediately becoming more engaging in even the most high-pressure situations. This course focuses on the individual, zeroing in on the qualities they can maximise. We draw on the perceptions of the group to reflect development as we learn that subtle changes in behaviour can deliver fundamental shifts in the way we are perceived in presentations, meetings and day-to-day communication.
Manage nerves by harnessing the energy that adrenaline can bring
Individual diagnostic: what’s working and what to work on
Apply body language, breath and voice techniques for maximum impact
Grab and sustain attention, craft an impactful ending
Handle questions and maintain calm even when put on the spot
Explore PowerPoint dos and don’ts
Half-day or one-day course with optional additional coaching.
Up to 8 delegates per course.
Price on application.
Contact me to request further details.